The Spiritual Side Of Traumatic Stress Normalization

Hakanson, J. Michael, The Spiritual Side Of Traumatic Stress Normalization, Waldport Press, Oak Harbor, WA, 98277, 2008, pp.106, ISBN-10: 1434836614
By a war veteran & active-duty field grade Navy Chaplain with an advanced degree specializing in trauma, this book discusses up-to-date research regarding traumatic stress, with consideration to the vital, but often neglected, element of person-hood claimed by 70% of Americans: Christian Spirituality. It examines reasons why spirituality is often discarded by traumatized individuals and proposes that clinicians may be looking past a tool that cooperates with brain architecture. It is a must for clinicians concerned with culture who are unsure about including spirituality or are afraid of mixing spiritual symptoms with clinical symptoms. A simple theological construct of interpersonal grace, common to most faiths, is discussed from a philosophical point of view, and possibilities for treatment are proposed. Military Chaplains will also find the information vital to the treatment of thousands of service members who are just now beginning to deal with the traumatic aftermath of war.