The Darwin Myth

Regnery PublishingISBN:
1596980974978-1-59698-097-6Publish Date:
256Wiker, Benjamin, The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington DC, 2009, pp. 256, ISBN: 978-1-59698-097-6
The Darwin Myth comes on the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birthday and on the 150th anniversary of his book, The Origin of Species. Many books on Charles Darwin either seek to demonize him or to portrait him as a saintly scientist. Overall, the Wiker strove to be fair to Charles Darwin by pointing out his keen biological observations as well as his devotion to methodological naturalism that excludes the very possibility of design in biological organisms. The book is easy to read and provides many insights into the life and times of Charles Darwin.